Drunk Driving Accidents

Written by: Portrait Photo Of Michael Jeandron Michael Jeandron

Nobody will be surprised by the fact that drunk driving kills. NHTSA statistics show that drinking and driving kills 28 people every day. This is over 10,000 lives lost every year.  This is the reason why there are so many campaigns focused on getting people to understand that drinking and driving is never a good combination. However, drunk driving is still a common occurrence responsible for thousands of accidents, injuries, and deaths.

If you have suffered injuries or a loved one has lost their life due to an accident caused by a drunk driver, you need to reach out to the injury attorneys from Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys. We are prepared to listen to your story and guide you through the legal options available to you. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, angry, or just tired of what you are going through to recover your health, you need someone by your side who will fight for your right to get the compensation you deserve. Schedule an initial consultation today to tell us about your accident. We work on a contingency basis which means that there are no out-of-pocket costs to you unless we win. Call us today.

Defining Drunk Driving

A driver is legally presumed impaired when their blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher. When that is the case, it means that their ability to drive responsibly is compromised, and they should not be operating any type of vehicle. In this state, their judgment and reaction times will be slower than they need to be while driving. This can result in deadly accidents and is why all 50 states have deemed it illegal to operate any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Alcohol’s Effects on The Body

While alcohol is present in the human body, it provokes blackouts, poor coordination, double vision, slurred speech, disorientation, as well as the following:

Slower reaction times – These reduce the ability of a driver to react rapidly when the situation calls for a quick response.

Slowed eye muscle function – Besides producing double vision, alcohol alters eye movements and visual perception, which can result in blurred vision.

Loss of concentration and coordination – A driver needs to be able to control all parts of their body, including their eyes, feet, and hands. Alcohol reduces response times and also causes drivers to be unable to concentrate while driving.

Consequences of Driving Drunk

When someone is driving drunk, two possible scenarios can develop: They can be stopped by law enforcement that suspects the person is driving under the influence, or they end up causing a crash in which people are injured and may lose their lives, the drunk driver included.

When the driver gets pulled over, their motor skills will be tested, and they may also have to take a blood-alcohol test. Failing any of these tests can result in suspension of your driver’s license. 

Should the drunk driver avoid the attention of police officers, they might crash and end up in a much worse situation. They could face jail time, possible legal action against them, and having to pay fines and compensation.

Take Legal Action After Being in a Drunk Driving Accident

Being the victim of a drunk driving accident means that you are likely suffering from severe injuries, you may have never-ending doctors’ appointments, tests, therapies, and even surgery. Your entire life might feel as if it has been turned upside down, and you cannot do the things you could before, like going to work, school, or performing your daily errands and activities.

This is when you need to contact the car accident attorneys in Orange County from Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys. You are entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and losses, and we will help you file a claim against whoever is responsible for recklessly causing the accident.

We are dedicated to helping you get compensation for the damages and injuries you have suffered. We have the legal knowledge and expertise and have helped countless victims of drunk driving accidents. After taking the time to listen to your story, we will start a thorough investigation into the accident, gather all available evidence, including the police report and your medical records, and call upon medical experts and accident reconstructionists when needed.

Remember that you have no out-of-pocket costs since we work on a contingency basis and only get paid when we win. Call us today.