
Every year, drunk driving results in many tragic accidents. Research has shown that alcohol in the blood affects a person’s ability to drive in many ways. Alcohol affects night vision and…READ MORE

Have you or a loved one been a victim of a dog bite attack in California? Dog bite accidents can lead to serious injuries and other damages. A dog owner…READ MORE

An auto accident is always something unexpected, and a related injury is something nobody ever plans for. If you’ve been hurt in an auto accident, you need to hire an auto…READ MORE

Because of the widespread use of smartphones, drivers are more distracted than ever before. A texting driver who takes his eyes off the road for a second can cause tragic…READ MORE

Buses can be a great mode of transportation for those who commute and want to save on gas and car payments. However, buses are huge vehicles that can cause terrible injuries. If…READ MORE

Those who ride bicycles get the benefits of exercise, beautiful scenery, and knowing that they’re helping the environment. However, cyclists are vulnerable in collisions with automobiles, and this can lead to…READ MORE

California state law ensures that anyone who has suffered injuries in a bicycle accident as a result of the negligence of the driver of a car may file a personal…READ MORE

Only persons named in California’s Code of Civil Procedure may bring a wrongful death lawsuit. While a surviving spouse and children may bring a claim, some of the rules pertaining…READ MORE

About one out of every eight drivers in the United States does not carry auto insurance according to the Insurance Research Council. As a motorist who drives in California, this…READ MORE

Trip and fall accidents are among the most common types of accidents requiring the services of a personal injury attorney. That’s because just about any time a person moves from…READ MORE