Meet The Roberts | Jeandron Law Firm’s Newest Personal Injury Attorney

Shaun PhillipsShaun Phillips joins Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys with over three years of criminal and civil litigation experience. Shaun is passionate about the law, and even more passionate about advocating great results for his clients. Where others may become discouraged, Shaun finds exhilaration in the challenge.

“I am excited to join the Roberts | Jeandron Law Firm’s growing practice. I look forward to the meaningful work we do here, and I feel blessed to work with such an accomplished, intelligent group of professionals,” said Shaun.

Shaun is a graduate of the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona, and received his undergraduate degree from UCLA. For your free consultation with Shaun Phillips, contact Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys at (949) 719-6885.

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