A Product Liability Lawyer Can Focus on Several Possible Ways a Product Can Be Defective

As an American consumer, every time you buy a product, you have a right to expect that the product will perform reasonably as advertised. You also have the right to expect that you will be safe when you use it. It does not matter if you buy a car, a washing machine, a blender, diapers, food products, or anything else. The standard applies across the board.

But when you buy a product that does not perform as promised and does so in a way that harms you, you may have the right to file a product liability lawsuit. Product liability lawyers who take on these kinds of cases can focus on several possible ways that a product can be considered dangerous.

They may be able to pursue damages if there is a design defect. If a product was designed in such a way that made it dangerous to consumers, then a claim for damages can be substantiated.

Products with manufacturing defects can also be dangerous and occur when a product is designed well but built poorly. A dangerous defect can be built right into the product despite best quality assurance practices.

Even if a product is designed and built well, if it is sold to consumers under the pretense of false claims, misleading, or performance data, or if a consumer is instructed or misled about how to use a product, then a marketing defect may exist.

Product Liability Cases Can Often Times Lead to Class Action Lawsuits

If you are the victim of a product liability action, then there’s a good chance that many others experienced the same dangerous issue as you. When this happens, many victims will join together and file a class action lawsuit with a product liability lawyer in Newport Beach. Class action lawsuits can involve thousands of plaintiffs, involve large settlement sums, and be extremely complicated over the course of the lawsuit.

Roberts Law Firm serves clients in Newport Beach, Orange, Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim, and Riverside as well as serving clients throughout Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside counties.

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