Highway Car Accidents

Written by: Portrait Photo Of Michael Jeandron Michael Jeandron

Millions of people rely on the country’s extensive highway system to get to their destination, be it getting to work, traveling to another state, or just conducting their daily activities. With traffic and speed, it is not surprising to discover that highways are where many accidents take place. Many of them cause extensive injuries or even death.

If you or your loved ones have been involved in a highway car accident, the upheaval in your life may be overwhelming. Having to turn your full attention to your injuries and being unable to go to work or do the things you used to take for granted can also cause tremendous psychological trauma. 

This is when you need to reach out to a competent car accident lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. The top-rated personal injury lawyers from the Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys in Orange County are standing by to help you get the compensation you deserve and take this worry off your shoulders.

Dangers of a Highway Accident

Highway accidents tend to be some of the most dangerous. This can be attributed to the fact that cars driving along them do so at speeds higher than on residential roads. Speed is the main factor responsible for the greater potential for injuries associated with these crashes. The force of the accident alone is responsible for people getting severely injured or even losing their lives.

The personal injury attorneys from the Roberts | Jeandron Injury Attorneys in Orange County understand how much you can lose in one instant due to a highway car accident. We have seen the effects of these crashes first-hand because we have helped plenty of people recover compensation after a highway car crash. You can rest assured that we will fight for you to receive the compensation you deserve for your losses, and since we work on a contingency basis, you will have no out-of-pocket costs. Set up an initial appointment to talk to us about your accident today.

The Main Causes of Highway Car Accidents

There are many reasons why this type of accident happens so frequently. Anyone traveling at high speed can unexpectedly lose control of their vehicle, although in many cases, the accident can be attributed to negligence while behind the wheel. Additional causes for highway accidents include:

  • Tailgating
  • Road rage
  • Texting while driving
  • Swerving between lanes
  • Driving in bad weather
  • Driving while drowsy or fatigued
  • Drinking or consuming drugs and driving

Other reasons for these accidents can be someone else’s negligence, like when a construction crew leaves debris on the road and a car passing by swerves to avoid an obstacle. When this happens, the construction company may be liable for the accident.

Additionally, a tire can blow out, or a car may have worn brakes and be unable to stop in time. If there is a truck involved in these cases, the trucking company may be held responsible or the manufacturer of a defective truck part.

Common Injuries in Highway Car Accidents

When speed is combined with the high number of cars on the highway, accidents can and do happen. They also tend to be more serious and cause more extensive injuries. Generally, victims of these accidents experience:

It is important that you receive medical attention as soon as possible after being in an accident. In some cases, you may be convinced that you were not injured only to be surprised when the doctor examining you informs you that you have suffered internal injuries. Don’t put your health at risk and see a healthcare professional right away.

Get Legal Help Now

After the accident, you may find that your life is no longer your own. Your days are now occupied with doctors’ appointments, therapies, and even surgery. You may also have to spend time getting your vehicle repaired, dealing with insurance companies, and worrying about the financial repercussions all of this will have on your future.

Dealing with insurance companies on your own may leave you full of frustration and with very little to show for it. That is why it is so important to have expert legal help on your side. Talk to us about your accident, and let us explain the legal options available to you. Make an appointment today for an initial consultation so that you can focus on recovering your health.